6ème Conférence internationale sur le soudage, le contrôle non destructif et l’industrie des matériaux du 04 au 06 novembre 2018 à Skikda.


This scientific event is updated to meet the expectations of the large number of national and international scientist and experts, from both academic and industrial world, who are waiting for this opportunity that becomes a tradition over the years in order to meet and exchange experiences and knowledge. Moreover, it is an ideal occasion for scientific paper presentation and workshop organization in the field of welding and non destructive testing.



  • Welding: welding metallurgy, process simulation, residual stresses in welding electric Arc, plasma,….etc
  • Metallic materials, ceramics and composites: elaboration, forming, phase transformations, simulation,….etc
  • Corrosion and materials protection, pitting corrosion, stress corrosion, coating, thin films,….etc
  • Non-destructive evaluation of material: modeling and data processing, high-resolution NDT, New NDT Methods